Safety and Security- TK Maxx Presents Live at The Piece Hall

Safety and Security- TK Maxx Presents Live at The Piece Hall

Free Drinking Water 

Water bottles are not permitted into the event. There will be free drinking water available at the bars for all customers.

If you have a medical condition, then a doctor’s note will permit diet-specific food and drink only.

First Aid 

First aid points will be clearly signed throughout the site.

Lost Property

Please report any lost items to a staff member on the night. After the event please contact the venue on to enquire if an item has been located.


You can bring any medication that you require. If it is not easily recognisable (e.g. controlled drugs, EpiPens) please request this by contacting us here

Alternatively, you can bring a prescription with you and speak to a security supervisor on the day. Please make sure you only bring enough for the duration of the concert and ensure you keep it safe with you at all times.

Bag Policy 

Bags larger than an A4 piece of paper are not permitted. Please note - Rucksacks/Backpacks of all sizes are not permitted.

All bags are subject to a search so please avoid bringing one where you can as this would speed up your entry to the venue. 

Prohibited Items

Your safety at The Piece Hall is paramount and we continually liaise with the appropriate authorities to ensure robust security measures are in place. In order to ensure this is a safe environment, bag searches will be carried out and we may search you, your clothing or other items.

Several items are prohibited, these include umbrellas, perfume/aftershave, glass, alcohol, large cameras and recording equipment.

Any other item which in our reasonable opinion may cause danger or disruption to any event or to other visitors (regardless of whether or not such item is illegal or is carried for specific purposes), any items which a performing artist, their management, or an organiser request that we prohibit.

There are no storage facilities at the venue and the venue is not responsible for any prohibited items surrendered at entry. 

We ask for your understanding and patience in this regard.

Crime Prevention

We advise against bringing valuables to the event, however, if you choose to do so please keep them hidden from view where possible.

Can I bring a Umbrella?

Umbrellas are not permitted as they obscure the view for others.

Can I bring a Camera?

Any cameras that are deemed as “Professional” will not be permitted into the venue. 

Permitted: Non-Professional Recording Equipment (Point & Shoot Cameras, Flip Video Cameras, etc.)

Not Permitted: Professional Recording (Photo, Video, Audio) Equipment (NO Detachable Zoom Lense, Tripods or Other Commercial Equipment) Selfie Sticks.



The venue and surrounding areas are covered by CCTV.

Re Admittance Policy 

If you leave the arena you will not be allowed back in.

Are there smoking areas at the venue?

There is no smoking anywhere inside the venue, including the courtyard.


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