Free Drinking WaterThere is free drinking water available at the re-fill drinking stations. Please look out for the signage within the arena. 1 x sealed water bottle is permitted per person max 500ml 1 x empty reusable water bottle is permitted. If you have a medical condition, then a doctor’s note will permit diet-specific food and drink only.
MedicalYou are permitted to bring required medication into Chelmsford City Live. Please bring a copy of your prescription or a doctor’s note. Please make sure you only bring enough for the duration of the festival and ensure you keep it safe with you at all times |
Bag PolicyBags larger than an A4 piece of paper are not permitted. All bags are subject to a search so please avoid bringing one where you can as this would speed up your entry to the festival. Please note - there are no lockers available. |
Prohibited Items |
Crime PreventionWe advise against bringing valuables to the event, however, if you choose to do so please keep them hidden from view where possible. |
Can I bring an Umbrella?Umbrellas are not permitted as they obscure the view for others. |
Can I bring a Camera?Any cameras that are deemed as “Professional” will not be permitted into the arena. Permitted: Not Permitted: |
CCTVThe event arena and surrounding areas are covered by CCTV. |
Re admittance policyOnce you leave the festival arena you will not be allowed back in. |
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