Accessibility - Chelmsford City Live

Accessibility - Chelmsford City Live

How can I book accessible tickets for Chelmsford City Live?

We want Chelmsford City Live to be an event accessible for all.

To ensure we have the correct level of facilities we ask customers to purchase the correct type of accessible ticket on Ticketmaster.

The following options will be available:

  • Wheelchair
  • Ambulant
  • Deaf/Hard of hearing
  • Essential Companion

To purchase an accessible ticket please visit Ticket master here 

To contact us about purchasing access tickets, or to ask further questions about the process, please email or visit

If you have further questions on the accessible facilities, please contact the event organisers here

Essential Companion Tickets 

There is an option to select a companion ticket when you are purchasing an accessible ticket. Once you have selected a companion ticket, there will be an approval process. For the approval process, you will be contacted to provide supporting documentation for validation of your request.

Further information is available here

If you require a companion ticket in the general admission or VIP area. Please contact Ticketmaster’s access team here to request -  

Accessible Documentation 

To ensure fans are receiving the correct accommodations and that Free Essential Companion tickets are going to eligible fans, you'll have three weeks to submit proof of eligibility after requesting accessible tickets. Your order may be cancelled if no supporting document is provided.


Below is a list of documents we may accept when considering allocating a complimentary ticket:

  • PIP (Personal Independence Payment)
  • DLA
  • Letter from a medical professional, including a doctor’s note or a letter from an occupation therapist
  • Carer's allowance
  • A Nimbus Access Card with the +1 symbol. Visit the Access Card page for more information.
  • Confirmation in writing from Social Services that the individual is included on their Deaf Register, or a letter or report from an aural specialist confirming that hearing loss has been recorded at 70 - 95 dBHL or worse
  • War Pensions Mobility allowance
  • Blind or partially sighted registration certificate (BD8 or CVI certificate)
  • A personal letter from the GP, community nurse or social worker
  • Benefit award letters
  • Copy of a blue badge (we would need to see both sides)

Further information is available here

To contact us about purchasing disability access tickets, or to ask further questions about the process, please email

If you have further questions on the accessible facilities, please contact the event organisers here

If your request for a companion ticket is not approved, the access team can advise on the procedure.

What if I need a companion ticket in the general admission or VIP area?

If you require a companion ticket in the general admission or VIP area. Please purchase one ticket via Ticketmaster and contact Ticketmaster’s access team here to request -  

They will issue you a companion ticket if you have the correct accessible documentation. You can find out more on accessible documentation here.

Please note – if there is a hospitality package of the VIP ticket, there may be a charge for your companion.

What is a 'wheelchair' ticket? 

The ‘wheelchair’ ticket is for customers who are attending in a wheelchair or mobility scooter. This ticket allows entry onto the accessible viewing platform which is a raised platform with view of the stage. 

The accessible viewing platform has a limited capacity and is strictly for accessible customers plus their companions.

Customers who have purchased an wheelchair ticket are also entitled to a companion ticket. They will be contacted to provide accessible documentation for a companion ticket.

What is a 'ambulant' ticket 

An ‘ambulant’ ticket is for customers who have an access requirement that require them to have access to a chair and/or quieter area from the crowd to make their experience more comfortable.

Ambulant ticket holders can access the accessible viewing platform, which is a raised platform with view of the stage where chairs are provided

Customers who have purchased an ambulant ticket are also entitled to a companion ticket. They will be contacted to provide accessible documentation for a companion ticket.

What is a Hard of hearing/Deaf ticket? 

This ticket is for Hard of Hearing/Deaf customers that require a companion ticket.

Once you have selected a companion ticket, there will be an approval process. For the approval process, you will be contacted to provide supporting documentation for validation of your request.

Further information is available here

I don’t need a wheelchair or ambulant ticket; I just need to access the accessible facilities – what do I do?

If you do not need a wheelchair or ambulant ticket but have accessible requirements that would benefit from the use of the accessible facilities, such as the toilets and entrance – please contact our access team here who can explain further.

Accessible Platform

The accessible platform is a raised platform with view of the stage. 

The accessible viewing platform has a limited capacity and is strictly for customers who are bringing a wheelchair/or mobility scooter, require a chair and/or quieter area from the crowd.

To purchase a ticket for the Accessible viewing platform please purchase an ‘Wheelchair’ or ‘Ambulant’ ticket via Ticketmaster.

Please note that the raised viewing platform is not covered so please dress appropriately for all weather conditions.

Accessible Car Park

Accessible car parking will be available to book via Ticketmaster.

Please note - you will be required to show a blue badge on arrival.

The accessible car park area is adjacent to the ticket office. When entering the site, access parking guests will be directed immediately left and directed by our stewards. Access customers will have their own dedicated access to the ticket office.

Accessible Toilets

Accessible toilets are situated at the accessibility area and main toilet blocks.

Assistant Dogs

Assistant Dogs are permitted on site. If you are bringing a registered assistant dog, please do let us know in the accessible requirements form that is emailed to you by Ticket master after purchasing accessible tickets. Alternatively, please contact us here  

Audio Description 

If you require audio description at any of our shows, please request this by contacting us here

Customers who have requested this service will be contacted by the relevant team for an understanding of which performances they would like covered; this is not guaranteed and is subject to change.

At least 60-days’ notice is advised to ensure we can source and ensure the availability of the audio describers.

Food and Drink 

There will be various food options available at the festival, including gluten free, vegetarian, and vegan options.

If you need to bring your own food or non-alcoholic drinks due to a medical condition or your access requirements, please request this please request this by contacting us here


You can bring any medication that you require. If it is not easily recognisable (e.g. controlled drugs, EpiPens) please request this please request this by contacting us here

Alternatively, you can bring a prescription with you and speak to a security supervisor on the day. 

Strobe lighting and Special Effects

Smoke machines, strobe lights, fireworks and other effects may be in use at this event. Anyone affected by these should bear this in mind.

Easy Read Guide/Alternative format 

If you require our accessible information in an easy read, audio described, BSL interpreted or alternative format please request this by contacting us here

Access Pack

All accessible ticket holders will receive a access pack prior to the event.

This will provide comprehensive information about the festival, including details on arrival information, travel options, access map and distances and accessible facilities.

Strobe lighting and Special Effects

Smoke machines, strobe lights, fireworks and other effects may be in use at this event. Anyone affected by these should bear this in mind.

Temporary Impairments

Please note that Chelmsford City Racecourse accessible facilities cannot cater for people with temporary impairments such as broken bones, healing injuries and those who are pregnant. If you do have a temporary impairment, please be aware that there will be a lot of walking to get around the festival and not many places to sit.


We will be providing a BSL interpreter for all Chelmsford City Live 2025 concerts

Please purchase a deaf/hard of hearing ticket if you require an interpreter so we can contact you to discuss your requirements further if necessary.

Deaf/Hard of hearing customers are also entitled to a complimentary companion ticket. However, you will be contacted to provide accessible documentation.

Additional Requirements

If you have any additional access requirements, please let us know via the accessible facilities form that is sent out after purchasing accessible tickets or contact us here to request.

Accessible Parking

Chelmsford City Live car parking is located next to the arena.

Accessible spaces can be pre booked via Ticket master.

We would suggest pre-booking car parking to avoid disappointment 

Please note cars are not permitted to stay overnight and motorhomes are not permitted. 

Contact Information

For access ticketing queries please visit or contact Ticketmaster access team here -

For other access enquires please visit the events help centre here or  contact the event organisers  here

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